Esto es un blog para niños escrito por niños. Perdonadnos nuestros pequeños errrores de ortografía. Tratándose de un colegio bilingüe intentaremos publicar tanto en español como en inglés. "If we shadows have offended, Think but this and all is mended..."

jueves, 7 de noviembre de 2013


The school celebrated Halloween last week!

 Halloween or Hallowe'en also known as All Hallows' Eve, is a yearly celebration observed in a number of countries on 31 October, the eve of the Western Christian feast of All Hallows' Day.

Halloween es una celebración anual  que se celebra el 31 de octubre.Los espiritus malvados, las brujas, los gnomos maléficos y todas las criaturas nocturnas aparecen esta noche para asustarte.

We decorated the classrooms and corridors:
Decoramos los pasillos y las clases:

We had lots of fun in different workshops like Twister:
Tuvimos muchos juegos, como el twister de halloween.

We played traditional games like "Bob an Apple":
Jugamos a juegos tradicionales como ´´manzana en el cubo´´

We played the Ghosty faces game and got covered in flour from head to toe:
jugamos a las caras fantasmales y nos cubrimos de  harina de la cara a  pies:

And we had fun learning the dance "Timewarp" from the Rocky Horror Picture Show!                                   Y nos divertimos haciendo el baile "Timewarp" de Rocky Horror Picture Show.        

Here are some of the steps so you can try it at home:                                                                              Aquí hay algunos pasos de baile que puedes probar en casa.

                                                                                                     There are a lot of pumkins in the school.

Hay muchas calabazas en la colegio.

_" Halloween was fantastic and horrible". (Daniel Ruiz -6º B)
_ "Halloween was a funny party in my school. We did games, we played with friends, we dressed up etc... It was fantastic. ¡¡¡Horrible Halloween for everyone!!!" ( Paula Porras- 6ºB)
_ "Halloween was magnificent and I liked it a lot because I played a lot of games with my friends. Horrendous Halloween to everyone!" (Sergio Lara de la Torre-6ºB)

5 comentarios:

  1. Elías Mijael Rizzo - 6º C9 de noviembre de 2013, 6:48

    I enjoyed Halloween a lot. My favourite games were ``Bob an Apple´´ and ``Ghosty Faces´´. Another game that I played and I liked a lot was ``Halloween Twister´´. Halloween was fantastic.

  2. anne martin alonso 6C12 de noviembre de 2013, 10:21

    Este hallen ha sido unos le los mejores... :-)

  3. its very interesing.i like halloween,but i like more of my school because are many funny things.

  4. Me encanta este blog

    Ainara Denia Alvarado 6°C

  5. Este año ha sido terrorificamente divertido!!!!
